'We Can Have Precious Experience Every Day'
Yuri Ishitoya, a Spring 2020 exchange student from Akita International University (Japan), tells about her favourite place in Moscow and how cooking helps you make new friends.

HSE Supercomputer Is Named cHARISMa
In July this year, there was an open vote to name the HSE’s supercomputer. Two names - Corvus (‘crow’ in Latin; the crow is HSE's mascot) and cHARISMa (Computer of HSE for Artificial Intelligence and Supercomputer Modelling) – received the most votes. The latter won by a narrow margin, with 441 people (one in three of those who took part in the vote) choosing this name.

Project Work at the Faculty of Humanities to Comprise a Three-Tier Structure
Project work in the Faculty of Humanities can be divided into three categories of varying scale. Megaprojects bring together employees of different HSE faculties and campuses; projects bring together employees at the faculty level; and more localized projects, which have been tentatively defined as initiative projects, are implemented by teams on an initiative basis. This project work structure and other issues were discussed on Wednesday, July 29 at a meeting of the HSE University administration.
'This was a Major Task for All University Services'
July marked the end of the first HSE academic term conducted entirely in remote format. Specialists of the eLearning Office and Digital Services told HSE University Life how they prepared for it and which problems they encountered.

HSE Minecraft Helps Foster Virtual Community
HSE students came up with the idea of building HSE University’s Pokrovka Complex in Minecraft at the very beginning of the lockdown. In May, the opening ceremony was held, where HSE Rector delivered his welcome address, followed by lectures and a concert. HSE University now has a full-fledged virtual campus that brings HSE community closer together. Project organizer Olesya Yakovleva told HSE News Service more about the project.

MIEM, WorldSkills Russia, and Industrial Partners Hold International Corporate Security Training Modules and Competition
From June 22 to July 9, 2020, the 2020 International BRICS Future Skills Camp Championship, which allows students to both expand and test their skills in enterprise information systems security, took place. The event was jointly organized by WorldSkills Russia (WSR), the HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM HSE), and Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU). Students from Brazil, Russia, India, China, and the Republic of South Africa participated in the competition.

Game Mechanics Conference Will Be Held in Minecraft
The Higher School of Business-Informatics at HSE University together with the team behind HSE Minecraft will hold a Game Mechanics Conference on July 5. The event will include lectures, round tables, a Minecraft quest, prizes, and much more.

Four Campuses and One Long-Awaited Headliner: HSE University-Wide Graduation to Be Held on July 3
This year for the first time in HSE history, the graduation ceremony will take place at one time for all four HSE campuses. Almost 11,000 students from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, and Perm will gather online to bid the university farewell and celebrate the next chapter in their lives.

HSE Faculties of Law and Humanities to Be Restructured
The HSE University administration has approved proposed structural changes to the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of the Humanities. The changes will streamline managerial processes and better facilitate the faculties’ pursuit of research and educational objectives. The changes will take effect at the start of new academic year on September 1, 2020.

Life in Quarantine at the HSE Dorms
After HSE University transitioned to distance learning, life in the HSE dormitories changed: most students have gone home. The number of onsite staff and service employees has been reduced. Large events have been cancelled. Student trips into the city have been limited. HSE University Life spoke with students and staff about what life under quarantine is like in the dorms.