IIAB HSE: One Course, Three Diplomas
To start the new academic year teachers, students, graduates and big company representatives gathered at the HSE’s International Institute of Administration and Business (IIAB) to review the first year of study and to discuss ways of developing their courses.
The HSE Launches ‘The Institute of Precedent’ Website
The project aims to comprehensively cover the role of courts in the development of law and promote the integration of Russian court practice into the international information environment.
HSE Law Faculty Team Going to Washington for the “Jessup”
The HSE Law Faculty team are finalists for the first time in the Russian stage of the Phillip C. Jessup International Law Competition which finished on February 3rd. The competition started in 1960 when it was between two teams at the Harvard Faculty of Law (on Cuban agricultural reform), since when it has travelled around the world. The competition acquired the name of the famous American international lawyer and judge at the International Court from 1961 to 1970, Phillip C. Jessup (1897-1986)
Baltic Practice 2012
The HSE’s Baltic Practice Summer School has just finished in Klaipeda and Kaunas. Once again, the school was run in conjunction with Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania).