is the number of births that a woman from the generation born in the latter half of the 1980s can expect in her lifetime. This number is significantly lower than the replacement rate for the population.
Tuesday, March 4
Subin Pulari to speak on 'Resource Bounded Dimension: A Duality with One-Way Functions and New Insights using Exponential Sums'
Timofey Mukhin and Michael Daniel to speak on 'From Space to Anaphora: There and Back Again'
Colloquium 'Mirror-Prox Algorithm with Linear Convergence Rate and its Application for Dynamic Loss Scaling'
Wednesday, March 5
Maksim Kaledin to speak on 'Neural Vocoders: Universal Tool for Text-to-Speech, Bandwidth Extension and Speech Enhancement'
is the number of births that a woman from the generation born in the latter half of the 1980s can expect in her lifetime. This number is significantly lower than the replacement rate for the population.