‘When I Got Out of the Airport and Felt the Cold, I Was Like, “Oh, Welcome to Moscow”’
Ndubuisi Johnbosco Ezenwa, 28, is a recent graduate of the Master’s in Strategic Corporate Finance at the HSE University Faculty of Economic Sciences. In 2023, he won first place in the Finance category of the Student Research Paper Competition (SRPS) for his paper ‘Impact of the Target Firm's ESG Rating on the Bid Premium Paid in M&A Transactions.’ Although he returned to Nigeria in July 2023, Ndubuisi still has plenty to share about his time at HSE University in Moscow. Read on to learn why he recommends HSE University to anyone looking to seek out new knowledge.

‘Anybody Who Does Not Believe in the Importance of Sustainable Development Should Visit India’
In January 2024, HSE students from Moscow, St Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod took part in the Winter School ‘Business and Governance in India’, hosted in Dehradun by the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES). Having now completed the course, its attendees—participants of the Master’s in Sustainable Business Management at HSE Graduate School of Business—shared their impressions with the HSE News Service.

‘The Fulfilment I Derive from Helping Others Makes the Programme Special to Me’
At the end of 2023, HSE University launched its International Mentoring Programme, where international alumni help current students adapt to the new environment, develop their personal skills, set goals, and make clear plans for job search and career growth. The HSE News Service spoke to participants about why the programme is interesting to mentors, what it can offer mentees, how it is it different from other career guidance initiatives, and more.

‘Moscow Is a Living, Breathing Storybook’
Zeeshan Haider, 25, comes from Quetta, Pakistan. He is a first-year Master’s student of ‘Science of Learning and Assessment’ at the HSE Institute of Education. Sanwal Iftikhar, 23, from Punjab region, Pakistan, is in his first year of the Master’s in Strategic Corporate Finance at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences. In this interview, they talk about their experiences of studying in Russia, exploring Moscow, and adapting to life in a new country.

Why Study Data Analytics?
In an era where data drives decisions, Data Analytics is becoming increasingly important. It allows organisations to make informed decisions by turning complex data into applicable insights. Recognising the importance of this field, Owen John Havercroft Reyes, a recent graduate of International Business at the University of Sheffield, enrolled as a first-year master’s student and became an international ambassador at HSE University-St Petersburg. In this article, Owen shares his experience of enhancing his technical expertise in the programme ‘Data Analytics for Business and Economics’.

‘Graduates of Our Programme Will Not Only Manage Innovative Development, but Also Create New Businesses’
HSE University’s Online Campus presents a new programme titled ‘Innovative Business Management’. The online master’s programme trains economics leaders of the future—creators and managers of businesses based on innovation and the latest scientific and technical achievements. The programme synthesises entrepreneurial and managerial competencies and is taught by leading experts, owners, and managers of innovative companies.

Zaruhi Hakobyan Shortlisted for HSE Alumni Awards
Zaruhi Hakobyan, master’s graduate of the HSE University Faculty of Economic Sciences and research scientist at the University of Luxembourg, is involved not only in research but also in organising academic events for young scientists and students. As a foreign graduate of HSE University, Zaruhi was nominated for the HSE Alumni Awards ‘for her tireless enthusiasm in popularising economic science, teaching, and research at the international level’ and made the shortlist.

‘Cultural Sensitivity Is Important in International Business Communication’
HSE University-Nizhny Novgorod has hosted a workshop on 'Intercultural Communication and Management: Swiss and Russian Views and Perspectives of Academia and Business.’ The workshop was organised by the Swiss Embassy in Russia.
HSE University and FC Spartak Moscow Sign Cooperation Agreement in Science and Education
HSE University and Spartak Moscow Football Club have signed a cooperation agreement. The club's experts will participate in the implementation of the Master's Programme in International Sports Management, Marketing, and Law together with the Higher School of Law and Administration.

‘My Advice Is to Buy Mandarins, Bake Ginger Biscuits, and Watch New Year’s Films!’
Over 450 international students from all over the globe currently study at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences. Some of them have recorded video greetings, talked about celebrations in their home countries, and shared their ideas on how to spend the winter holidays in Russia. Below, we offer the third and final part of their interviews.