‘HSE University Students Have a Keen Eye. Wherever They Go, They See the Gist of Things’
HSE graduate Anastasia Lashkova is, quite literally, the same age as her university: she was born on the day the resolution establishing HSE was signed. In this interview with the HSE Age-Mates project, Ms Lashkova spoke about her work at the Russian Academy of Sciences, the benefits of an interdisciplinary approach to science and life, and why, in her opinion, there is no such thing as useless knowledge.

‘The University Provides a Community that Helps You Become a Leader’
Russia’s largest bank is no longer a bank, but a whole ecosystem of products and services—all made possible thanks to the work of the Sber AI Transformation Centre. In this interview with Success Builder, Nikita Khudov— HSE University ICEF graduate and Sber AI Transformation Centre Executive Director—explains how artificial intelligence works for us, how sports help with work, and how earning two university degrees is useful in work.
‘IT Is an Untapped Mine of Professions’
As adept at mathematics as HSE MIEM graduate and Twin3D Chief Engineer Nikita Zimenko was, he turned out to be even more inquisitive, with the result that he fell out of love with math and set his sights on digital technologies instead. In this interview with Success Builder, he explained how to conduct research on astromechanics, what 3D animators do with the human body and whether metaverses have a future.

‘One of HSE University’s Strategic Goals is to Make Quality Higher Education Accessible to Students from all Corners of Our Country’
The first graduation ceremony for the joint HSE University and Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) Bachelor’s Programme in Economics took place in Vladivostok. 43 students were each awarded two diplomas. The programme, launched at the School of Economics and Management of Far Eastern Federal University in 2018, gives students the opportunity to master Russia's strongest programme and earn a diploma from HSE University without leaving the Far East. HSE University currently offers 11 double degree programmes at undergraduate and graduate level with nine Russian universities.

ICEF Graduates Celebrated at HSE Cultural Centre
The class of 2022 faced the difficulties of the pandemic, moving to the new campus in Pokrovka, and completing their studies in a difficult geopolitical climate. This year's graduation ceremony was held at HSE University itself, allowing the graduates to celebrate their achievements together with their families, whose support was praised by HSE Rector, Nikita Anisimov, as well as hear praise from other members of the HSE management team.

‘Students Are What Matters.They Are the Reason We Exist’
On July 18, the graduation ceremony for Master’s students in Corporate Research, Development and Innovation Management took place to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the programme’s launch. The students were able not only to receive their diplomas, sample delicious cake and take pictures, but also to mingle with graduates from previous years.
‘A Melting Pot of Students with Different Educational Backgrounds from Different Countries’
The HSE ISSEK English-language Master’s programme in Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation is accepting applications. Studies in English, practical skills, extensive networking—former and current students shared their impressions with the HSE News Service, while Academic Supervisor Dirk Meissner talked about what to expect in the new academic year.

HSE Faculty of Computer Science Celebrates its First Graduates of the Data Science and Business Analytics Programme
At the beginning of July, the Data Science and Business Analytics programme at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science held its first graduation ceremony. Most graduates have already found jobs in various fields—Data Science, development, product management, systems analysis, and so on. Many of the bachelors plan to continue their studies at the best international and Russian universities, but they are not going to say goodbye. ‘We have been and will always be one big team,’ they say.

HSE University-St Petersburg’s Big Graduation Returns
On July 1, more than 1,500 newly qualified bachelor’s and master’s graduates of HSE University-St Petersburg celebrated with their mentors at the campus’s traditional joint graduation ceremony. The event was an especially major personal event for one graduate, who received a marriage proposal during the ceremony.

‘Humans Are No Longer at the Top of the Hierarchy’
In June, the HSE ART GALLERY opened the final exhibition under the general curatorial theme ‘In a Land Faraway’. The exhibition displays the best works by students, graduates, and lecturers of the HSE Art and Design School created over the past year. Thousands of artists applied to participate in the exhibition.