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Illustration for news: HSE University Places Second on Superjob Alumni Salary Ranking of Russian Economics Universities

HSE University Places Second on Superjob Alumni Salary Ranking of Russian Economics Universities

HSE University alumni working in economics and finance, earn an average of 115,000 rubles a month in their first five years of work after graduation. This is the second best result among universities, according to data from the Superjob job search website.

Illustration for news: HSE University Places Second in Demand for Graduates Among Employers in RAEX Ranking

HSE University Places Second in Demand for Graduates Among Employers in RAEX Ranking

For three years already, HSE University has appeared in the Top-5 of Russia’s best universities according to the RAEX Ranking. In terms of demand for graduates among employers, HSE University has risen to the second place, while also improving its indicator for ‘environment for high-quality learning’.

Illustration for news: HSE University Makes Top 5 for Salaries of Early Career IT Professionals

HSE University Makes Top 5 for Salaries of Early Career IT Professionals

SuperJob, a job search service, has published a ranking of technical universities based on earnings of graduates in the 2014-2019 cohort. HSE University has improved its position this year, rising from seventh to fifth place in the ranking.

Illustration for news: ‘Moscow, Hong Kong, New York — I Have Friends from HSE Everywhere’

‘Moscow, Hong Kong, New York — I Have Friends from HSE Everywhere’

Alexander Aksakov, who graduated from ICEF in 2011, now works as a Senior Associate in the New York office of Credit Suisse. He tells Success Builder how the wedding of an ICEF graduate became a gathering of economists from around the world, how U.S. employers recruit candidates in bars and how to earn an MBA from one of the world’s most prestigious schools.

Illustration for news: ‘We Had to Hire a Stylist to Find a Common Language with Fashion Brands’

‘We Had to Hire a Stylist to Find a Common Language with Fashion Brands’

Verisium project founder Vadim Kostomarov is convinced that traditional banks will disappear in the new digital world. Financiers, however, will not be left without work, he adds reassuringly. HSE graduate Vadim Kostomarov tells Success Builder whether people should be divided into ‘techies’ and ‘humanities types,’ how to survive in the fashion industry and consulting, and talk about mistakes in looking for investors, and managing a ‘teal’ company.

Illustration for news: Up Close with the Epidemic: From Russia to China and Back

Up Close with the Epidemic: From Russia to China and Back

China was the first country to be hit by the coronavirus, and other countries have looked to its handling of the outbreak as a model. Former HSE student Sergey Stepanov, who has been studying and working in China for the past four years, shared his personal experience with the COVID-19 outbreak while in China.

Illustration for news: 'The World Is Changing Rapidly and Only Those Who Can Learn Quickly Will Succeed'

'The World Is Changing Rapidly and Only Those Who Can Learn Quickly Will Succeed'

Alexandra Gudimova, graduate of the WEaIA Faculty, decided to study at HSE University because of an injury. She had to leave choreography academy, forget about ballet and the Bolshoi Theater, and restart her life from scratch. Now she heads a thriving business whose success attests to her professionalism. In this instalment of Success Builder, Ms Gudimova talks about how to write a graduate thesis about a family business, ride the snacking wave and create fast food for city dwellers.

Illustration for news: HSE Alumnus Develops ‘Smart Glasses’ for Doctors Treating COVID-19 Patients

HSE Alumnus Develops ‘Smart Glasses’ for Doctors Treating COVID-19 Patients

In late March at the Kommunarka COVID-19 Hospital outside of Moscow, a pilot project was launched that allows healthcare professionals to coordinate their efforts remotely while working with coronavirus patients. The system, which is run using ‘smart glasses’, is now in operation at ten Moscow hospitals. Ilya Flaks, a graduate of HSE’s Master’s Programme in E-Business and project founder, spoke with the HSE News Service about how the smart glasses help doctors and what prospects lie ahead for using virtual reality (VR) in health care.

Illustration for news: ‘Today’s Architects Face the Challenge of Making Biotechnology More Aesthetic’

‘Today’s Architects Face the Challenge of Making Biotechnology More Aesthetic’

Unexpectedly, one of last year’s trends was…mushrooms. Several startups have shown that mycelium is a suitable material for eco-friendly fabrics, fashionable foods and the manufacture of drugs to treat clinical depression. ‘Prototyping Future Cities’ Master’s Programme graduate Anna Budnikova took the mushroom trend one step further by inventing a building material she calls ‘mycokarst’. She tells Success Builder what the difference is between eco- and bio-materials, why to make water from air and design ‘passive homes’, and who urbanists are and how they are changing our cities.

Illustration for news: Outstanding HSE Alumni to Be Announced on April 18

Outstanding HSE Alumni to Be Announced on April 18

March 15 is the deadline for nominating candidates for the HSE Alumni Awards, which are given to outstanding alumni of HSE University. This year, the awards will be given in ten categories.