Middle-Class Russians Reduce Spending When It Comes to Themselves but Not Their Children
Middle-class Russians are more likely to reduce spending on the development of their own human capital and prioritize investing in their children instead, particularly when it comes to their children’s education. This is evidenced by a study conducted by the Centre for Studies of Income and Living Standards of HSE University.

The Pandemic As an Opportunity: HSE Experts Evaluate the Potential of Domestic Tourism in Russia
The tourism industry has been recognized as one of the hardest hit sectors of the economy due to the introduction of restrictive measures to counter the spread of the pandemic. Thus, experts estimated that the income of domestic hoteliers would fall 2.7 times by the end of 2020. But the pandemic also provides opportunities for Russia’s domestic tourism market, according to a recent report by HSE University experts. The researchers estimate that the market could potentially generate up to 1.5 trillion rubles.

PISA Tests: How Talking with Parents Affects Russian Pupils’ Financial Literacy
On the financial literacy and global competencies tests of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Russian pupils demonstrate average scores. In their ability to empathise with those experiencing difficulties, they are no different from their peers of OECD countries. This was discussed by experts ofHSE University's Institute of Education and the World Bank at a joint seminar.

‘Cooperation with R&D Organizations and Universities Is Significantly Distinctive for Advanced Innovators’
The innovation performance of firms depends on their ability to innovate in cooperation with external partners. In their study, HSE researchers found that most of innovation in Russian manufacturing happens in a sort of open processes, but extensive cooperation networks are barely detectable. The study was published in the December issue of Foresight and STI Governance.

Self-Education Is Gaining Popularity Among Adult Russians, HSE Survey Shows
From 2015 to 2019, the involvement of adults aged 25–64 participating in self-education increased from 21% to 37%. At the same time, the most noticeable increase is observed in large cities and among people with higher education, as evidenced by data produced by the HSE University sociological survey ‘Practices of Self-Education Among the Adult Population of Russia’ conducted as part of the ‘Monitoring Economics of Education’ project.

When More Is Not Merrier: How Education Helps Overcome Social Inequality
‘The Tragedy of Inequality: Dehumanizing the “Total Human”’ was the dramatic title of a recent seminar held by the HSE Institute of Education. Inequality leads to marginalization of specific individuals and groups. The availability of high-quality education may help decrease the problem.

Russians Are Switching to Wine and Beer: Alcohol Consumption Patterns are Increasingly Dependent on Non-Economic Factors
Social class does not strongly influence the kind of alcohol Russians drink. Gender, age, education and place of residence are more important. For example, young people prefer beer, wines are primarily popular among women, and ‘moonshine in combination with other drinks’ are mainly consumed by the older age groups. This was the conclusion reached by HSE University researchers.

Lower Rates of Self-isolation Observed in Low Income Areas
Researchers at HSE and Lomonosov Moscow State University analyzed data on Russians’ movements during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their analysis showed that residents of lower-income municipalities self-isolated less compared to residents of higher-income cities. The findings were published in the journal Environment and Planning A.

Russians’ Social Well-Being: How the Pandemic is Changing Society
In 2020, against the backdrop of the coronavirus crisis and other global challenges that are increasing uncertainty, HSE University social scientists recorded the most significant shift in people’s perception of current fundamental social and economic issues. In particular, respondents expressed increased approval of the government, higher demands of it, as well as higher levels of ‘profound’ civic activity and self-confidence.

Russia’s Middle Class: Between a ‘Sticky Floor’ and a ‘Sticky Ceiling’
Upward and especially downward income mobility in Russia is higher than in developed countries, making it difficult to form a fully-fledged middle class. And the likelihood of being trapped in long-term poverty turns out to be greater than the transition to stable affluence. This is the conclusion reached by HSE University experts.