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Timofey Mukhin and Michael Daniel to speak on 'From Space to Anaphora: There and Back Again'

Illustration for news: HSE University Center for Language and Brain Becomes World Leader in Just 10 Years

HSE University Center for Language and Brain Becomes World Leader in Just 10 Years

How can a small Russian research group become a world-famous scientific centre in less than a decade? A special edition of the Frontiers in Psychologyjournal devoted to increasing public awareness of neuroscience features an article about the HSE University Center for Language and Brain, including the successes and challenges of its early years.

Illustration for news: Researchers Discover How to Obtain ‘Ideal’ 3D Cell Cultures for Cancer Research

Researchers Discover How to Obtain ‘Ideal’ 3D Cell Cultures for Cancer Research

A group of scientists from Hungary, Russia and Finland have developed a system capable of selecting cancer cells of a specific shape and size—spheroids. SpheroidPicker, the first AI device of its kind, enables a more standardized approach to working with tumour samples. The results of the research have been published in the journal Scientific Reports. One of researchers who worked on the project is Nikita Moshkov, Junior Research Fellow of the Laboratory on AI for Computational Biology.

Illustration for news: The 'Curse' Is Lifted: Schooling Does Increase Graduates’ Salaries

The 'Curse' Is Lifted: Schooling Does Increase Graduates’ Salaries

Although many studies point to highly negative trends in returns to education in Russia, the situation actually appears to be stable and without any signs of overinvestment in human capital. This is the conclusion of Rostislav Kapeliushnikov, Deputy Director of the HSE Centre for Labour Market Studies and Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The results of his research are presented in the article ‘Returns to Education in Russia: Nowhere Below?’ published in the 8th issue of the Voprosy Ekonomiky journal.

Illustration for news: New Data Gained on Double Perovskite Oxides

New Data Gained on Double Perovskite Oxides

The Journal of Alloys and Compounds has published an article coauthored by the Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry (the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences), the Donostia International Physics Centre, and the HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics on the characteristics of cubic double perovskite oxides. To date, experimental measurements of the minerals’ characteristics have not corresponded to the results of theoretical modelling. The work marks the first time that researchers have set themselves the task of explaining this disparity. The data obtained will allow researchers to improve low-temperature fuel cell technologies—one of the main alternatives to current sources of electricity.

Illustration for news: Researchers Confirm Correlation Between Education Expenditure and GDP Growth

Researchers Confirm Correlation Between Education Expenditure and GDP Growth

HSE University researchers have analyzed the economic performance of almost a hundred countries to understand whether government investment in education pays off. The economists explain what kind of recommendations may be offered to governments—and how they vary based on a country's level of development—in the Voprosy Statistiki journal

Illustration for news: HSE Scholars Determine Tsar Boris Godunov’s Exact Date of Birth

HSE Scholars Determine Tsar Boris Godunov’s Exact Date of Birth

HSE University researchers Feodor Uspenskij and Anna Litvina studied the notes of Georg Tectander, a diplomat of the Holy Roman Empire, and discovered the exact date of birth of Tsar Boris Godunov: August 2 (Julian calendar) or August 12 (Gregorian calendar). The scholars then verified and confirmed this date with other 17th-century sources. The results of the study are presented in a paper published in the Studi Slavistici journal (Florence, Italy), and in a follow-up paper to be published by the same journal at the end of the year.

Illustration for news: Businesses Benefit from Board Members’ Diverse Experiences

Businesses Benefit from Board Members’ Diverse Experiences

HSE researchers have assessed the influence of board members’ work experience diversity on a company’s economic performance. Who makes a better board member—company veterans or outsiders? Their findings have been published in the Russian Management Journal.

Illustration for news: Russian Researchers Obtain New Data on Solar Magnetic Field Asymmetry

Russian Researchers Obtain New Data on Solar Magnetic Field Asymmetry

Researchers from the Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics (Russian Academy of Science) and HSE University have proven that asymmetry between meridional flows in the northern and southern hemispheres of the Sun depends on the anomalies of the solar magnetic field. Research undertaken by Elena Blanter and Mikhail Snirman reveals new aspects of the importance of solar magnetic field asymmetry for predicting the anomalies of the Sun’s activity. The article has been published in Solar Physics.

Illustration for news: HSE Researchers Compare Expressive and Receptive Language Abilities of Russian-speaking Children with ASD for the First Time

HSE Researchers Compare Expressive and Receptive Language Abilities of Russian-speaking Children with ASD for the First Time

Researchers from the HSE Centre for Language and Brain and their Russian and American colleagues have become the first to compare expressive and receptive language abilities of Russian children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at different linguistic levels. Their work helped them refute the hypothesis that children with ASD understand spoken language less well than they produce it. The study was published in Research in Developmental Disabilities.

Illustration for news: Russian Scientists Investigate the Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2 Variants

Russian Scientists Investigate the Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2 Variants

HSE University researchers assessed the effectiveness of the T-cell immune response to 11 variants of SARS-CoV-2. Their findings have been published in Nucleic Acids Research.