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Presentation of the French-taught Specialised Master's Programme 'Economie, Finance, Droit'

Scenarios for Russia in the Long-Term Period. A New Impulse in Two Decades

This report has been prepared by Evgeniy Yasin, Academic Supervisor of the HSE, to XIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.

Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship Policies in Central and Eastern Europe. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2011

A Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship Policies in Central and Eastern Europe has been published in the UK. Alexander Chepurenko, Dean of the HSE Faculty of Sociology, is the author of the chapter on 'Entrepreneurship and SME policies in fragile environments: the example of Russia'.

HSE Journal on Sociology is Read in 55 Countries

This year the Sociological Review journal celebrates its 10th anniversary. Alexander Filippov, its Editor-in-Chief, Head of the Center of Fundamental Sociology, HSE Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, told us about the mission, history and authors of the journal.

Mode of life and living standards of Russian population in 1989–2009

Report at the XII International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Moscow, 5–7 April, 2011

Scenarios and challenges of macroeconomic policy

Report at the XII International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Moscow, 5–7 April, 2011

First Issue of the International Organisations Research Journal in English

The first issue of the International Organisations Research Journal in English (issue 5, 2010) has been published. It focuses on the G8/G20 summit performance as well as the future of the Groups’ partnership and possible improvements.

Guidelines on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly

Guidelines on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly prepared by the OSCE/ODIHR Panel of Experts on The Freedom of Assembly, including Nina Belyaeva, Head of the HSE Department of Public Policy, were published by the OSCE

Political Atlas of the Modern World

How can we compare political systems in contemporary world politics? What measurements can we use to understand the political development of countries whose histories and culture make them so different? Political Atlas of the Modern World is a unique reference source which addresses these questions by providing a comparative study of the political systems of all 192 countries of the world.

‘Russia and the EU: Uneasy Relations. A Look from Belgium’

Academic Papers of the 9th International Session of the HSE Russian–European Center for Multidisciplinary Research were published by Vytautas Magnus University Press, Kaunas, Lithuania.

Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Cognitonics

Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Cognitonics were published as part of the proceedings of the International Multiconference ‘Information Society 2009’ . Workshop Co-Chair was Vladimir Fomichev, PhD, Professor of the HSE Faculty of Business Informatics Department of Innovations and Business in Information Technologies.