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Young Political Scientists from the HSE Take Part in Organizing Conference in Austria

A young scientists’ conference organized by the European Consortium for Political Research recently took place at the University of Innsbruck (Austria). Students of the HSE Institute of Education’s Master’s programme on Contemporary Political Conflicts organized a session called ‘Political Power & Foreign Policy Analysis’.

Work in their Field Helps Students Study Better

In many cases combining study and work not only doesn’t undermine a student’s achievements, it actually enhances them. The experience of working in the field you are studying at university helps better master a profession and doesn’t cause a time conflict, says Diana Yanbarisova, Junior Research Fellow at the HSE Institute of Education, in her article, published in the latest issue of the HSE’s journal Voprosy Obrazovania (Issues of Education).

Igor Chirikov Appointed Director of the SERU International Consortium

Igor Chirikov, Research Fellow at the HSE Institute of Education, who has been appointed director of the Student Experience in the Research University International (SERU-I) Consortium, will start working at the University of California Berkeley from August 2014, but will still continue to supervise  research at the HSE Institute of Education.

Foresight-Russia’s second English issue out now

Foresight Russia has published its second English language issue which will be available in electronic form quarterly in sync with the Russian version. ‘Its high quality content from Russia and beyond can now be followed and appreciated by the whole world’, say editors.

Homeopathy Still a Stepdaughter of Medicine

According to homeopaths, an increasing number of Russian patients trust their methods. Meanwhile, conventional medicine does not take homeopathy seriously, viewing it as 'supplementary therapy' at best and as quackery and an occult practice at worst, according to Radik Sadykov, Lecturer at the Faculty of Sociology of the HSE's Department of General Sociology.

Government Finances Innovative Research

The government in Russia has been the main customer for research and development (R&D) since 2009, while the real sector of the economy finances only a third of the total R&D costs of innovation-focused research companies, according to findings from a monitoring of innovation activity carried out by the HSE's ISSEK.

Student Delegation from Singapore Coincides with Master Class by Professor Desai Narasimhalu

From July 5-12, the HSE Innovation and Enterprise Office is hosting a visit by Singapore students. Their programme will include educational, as well as cultural and entertainment activities. Included in the programme is a master class by Professor Desai Narasimhalu, known by many as the sensei of the innovation industry.

Happiness as an economic category

Renowned American sociologist and political scientist, Professor at the University of Michigan and head of the HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research in St. Petersburg, Ronald Inglehart told the HSE news service about his research – the study of happiness.

High Taxes, Low Demand Dampen Growth

Experts from the HSE Center for Business Tendency Studies at the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge have found that limited demand, high taxes, lack of financial means and a high level of uncertainty in the onward course of economic development all reduce the length of time for which businesspeople can plan, in turn obstructing investment and innovative initiatives.

Financial Crisis Affects Gender Attitudes

The economic crisis in European countries did not pass by unnoticed as concerns the public’s set of values. In some groups, there was a shift from emancipative values to more traditional ones. Above all, this involves the socially vulnerable strata that the crisis hit hardest of all, Natalia Soboleva, a researcher with HSE’s Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSS), concluded in a study.