Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Centre Opens Exhibition at Technoprom 2023 Forum
On August 22, 2023, the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Centre (HCMRC) opened an exhibition as part of the Technoprom 2023 forum in Novosibirsk. On the opening day, more than 300 people visited the stand, of which more than 50 took part in an interactive ‘anthropologist simulator’ and a visual attention test. The HSE News Service reports on the exposition and the feedback received by the experts.

HSE Graduate Eduard Sosnin Becomes Mayor of Perm
On August 22, the deputies of the Perm City Duma elected the new head of the city: Eduard Sosnin, HSE graduate and Minister for Economic Development and Investment of the Perm Region.

‘HSE University Has Become a New Place Where I Could Feel Free’
In today’s labour market, it is difficult to remain in only one field. An increasing number of HSE University graduates find themselves at the juncture between industries, adapting their knowledge for technical fields. For example, Timur Zekokh—who holds both bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the HSE University’s FES—found himself in the IT field and works as a senior data analyst at Avito. He told Success Builder how love for econometrics inspires his teaching, which knowledge is important for working with data and why Avito switched from Excel to Vertica.

‘Open Lectures Are a Space of Interest and Trust’: New HSE Lecture Cycle Starts in Nizhny Novgorod
A university’s contribution to the development of society is not limited to education and science. Universities participate in wider life through open popular science lectures, master classes and festivals, expanding their boundaries and qualitatively influencing the intellectual environment.

‘Volunteering Is in Every Healthcare Worker’s Blood’
From August 7 to 9, the annual All-Russian Forum of Medical Volunteers took place at HSE University’s Cultural Centre. The event was held for the seventh year in a row. This year, 300 medical volunteers from all over Russia took part.

‘HSE University Is Truly Capable of Bringing Together and Developing Talented People’
HSE University graduate Mikhail Rybakov-Matrosov heads the logistics department at the Italian company Calzedonia Group and believes that over the past year there have been more advantages than disadvantages to working in international logistics. In this interview with Success Builder, Mr. Rybakov-Matrosov shared what it’s like to become a leader at the age of 22, how German and Italian management styles differ, and how the market can profit from Western IT systems integrating with those in Russia.

‘Management Is All About People and That’s Why I Find It So Interesting’
Dmitry Samusev managed to get the best from two economics schools — HSE University and the Helsinki School of Economics — and become a true management expert in the process. He is currently purchasing director for Proctor & Gamble. In this interview with Success Builder, he explained why a change of climate is good for Russian students, how self-confidence helps in job interviews and what’s good about working for an international giant.

CREATIVE HUB to Host Autosave Music Festival
On June 10, the CREATIVE HUB space will host lectures and concert performances by teachers and students of Sound Art and Sound Design. The event programme will run from 5 pm–10 pm and features student compositions and works by modern composers.

Students of HSE University-Perm Perform at 31st Russian Student Spring Festival
Members of the KNIVE vocal ensemble and the HSE Crew dance studio represented HSE University at the opening ceremony and the festival town, while students Polina Subbotina and Yulia Mukharamova were included in the Perm Krai delegation that won the festival’s main prize in the team scoring.

‘Entering a University Is a Transition to a New Level of Awareness’
Georgy Brutyan joined Otkritie Bank as a strategic analyst in 2018, when the bank was undergoing fundamental changes. He is now Managing Director for Strategy and Business Development and leads projects that strengthen the revitalised and restructured bank. In this interview with Success Builder, he explains how students obtain practical skills, why time management is a factor in career success, and why a manager needs an MBA.