HSE University and Government of Murmansk Region Sign Long-Term Cooperation Agreement
The HSE Faculty of Urban and Regional Development and the Government of Murmansk Region signed a long-term cooperation agreement at the International RUSSIA EXPO on May 24, 2024. The main goal of the partnership is to conduct joint research and educational projects aimed at promoting the sustainable development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation, particularly the Murmansk Region.

HSE University-St Petersburg and University of Technology Malaysia Open Joint Laboratory
HSE University-St Petersburg and University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) have opened a mirror laboratory in social entrepreneurship. The opening ceremony of the Russian part of this laboratory took place during the International Partners' Days, which gathered delegations from 23 foreign universities.

HSE ART GALLERY 2.0: Relaunch and New Space at the Winzavod
HSE ART GALLERY, which was established in 2018, is launching a new exhibition area. This second gallery will be in Winzavod, one of the largest private centres for contemporary art in Russia. The art space on Paveletskaya will become a place for implementing commercial projects and housing exhibitions by HSE Art and Design students and graduates.

HSE University Launches New Master’s Degree Track ‘Plant Biotechnology’
The new track will be launched in September 2024 in the Master's Programme ‘Cell and Molecular Biotechnology’ at theHSE Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology. Students will master modern methods of plant genetic and cellular engineering, genetic and marker selection, genome editing, proteomics, phenomics, and acquire skills in the bioinformatic processing of plant genomic data. The educational trajectory will be implemented in collaboration with the All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology.
ICEF HSE Launches Double Degree Programme with Chinese Partner RIEM SWUFE
HSE University and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) have signed a cooperation agreement to offer a Bachelor's double degree programme in Economics and Finance. The participating partners are the International Institute of Economics and Finance (ICEF) at HSE University and the Research Institute of Economics and Management (RIEM) at SWUFE.

Expedition to the Himalayas: What To Expect
At the end of April, six students of HSE University-St Petersburg will go on an expedition to the Himalayas, jointly organised with the University of Delhi. They will be collecting data about the anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem of this region, as well as its natural resources and environmental sustainability.

HSE University Launches Master's Programme in Spatial Data and Applied Geoanalytics
HSE University’s Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technology is launching a Master’s programme in Spatial Data and Applied Geoanalytics. The first enrolment will take place in 2024. It is aimed at training specialists who are proficient in modern tools for working with geodata and geoanalytics to make high-quality management decisions in business and public administration.

First in Russia Dissertation Council for Asian and African Studies Established at HSE University
Chaired by Dmitri Bondarenko, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of the RAS Institute of Africa, and Director of theInternational Centre of Anthropology at the HSEFaculty of Humanities, the Dissertation Council comprises prominent Russian Orientalists and Africanists from HSE University and other leading institutions.

JINR and HSE University Launch Systemic Collaboration
On March 29, HSE University signed a cooperation agreement with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). The agreement outlines the primary areas of cooperation between the organisations, including participation in NICA Megascience Project experiments, collaborative activities in theoretical physics and information technology, and the development of human resources through joint training initiatives.

Vladimir Verkhoshinskiy Joins HSE University Board of Trustees
Alfa-Bank CEO Vladimir Verkhoshinskiyjoined the HSE University Board of Trustees. Earlier, HSE University and Alfa-Bank signed a cooperation agreement, which stipulates the launch of joint educational programmes and the implementation of joint research projects, events, workshops, and internships for students.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025